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St. Johns County Council on Aging


Spanish for Fun and Travel on Mondays in March at River House


with Abigail Dyer

Calendar Mar 3, 2025 at 11:30 am, runs for 5 weeks

Spanish for Fun and Travel is a mixed-level class for beginning and intermediate students. Beginners will learn essential grammar, rules of pronunciation, and words and phrases useful to travel. Intermediate students will be encouraged to use those same words and phrases as starting points for free-form conversation, with attention to grammar and pronunciation.

Abigail Dyer has a BA in Spanish Language and Literature from Vassar College and a Ph.D. in European History from Columbia University. She is fluent in Spanish and German, has lived and worked in Spain and Germany, and has decades of experience teaching foreign languages. 

Bring pen and paper for taking notes.

Class sessions are on Mondays, March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 from 11:30 to 12:30 at River House (179 Marine St. in St. Augustine)

For ages 18 and up.

Will run

Spanish for Beginners on Tuesdays in March at River House


with Maria Martinez

Calendar Mar 4, 2025 at 11 am, runs for 4 weeks


In this course you will learn basic Spanish. You will also learn everyday phrases, commonly used words, colloquial words used by Spanish speakers, the history and customs of different countries, as well as “Castilian-Castellano” the language brought to this beautiful town by Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles and his crew. You will be surprised of how much Spanish you already know. Don’t forget your notebook (cuaderno) and pen/pencil (bolígrafo /lápiz). 

María Teresa Martínez is a native Spanish speaker, born in Havana, Cuba. Her family ancestry is from Spain. She came to the United States in 1968 and learned English as a high school student in Dover, Delaware. She has taught from early childhood to college level Spanish.  She also served as a medical and judicial interpreter for many years as the owner of a  translation and interpretation business. Since retiring to San Augustine she has enjoyed teaching Spanish classes at the River House/COA. Her courses provide an interesting mix of learning the Spanish language while enjoying tidbits about the colonial history of our city Saint Augustine and Spain. 

Class sessions will be held on Tuesdays, March 4, 11, 18, 25 from 11 to 12:30 at River House (179 Marine St.  St. Augustine 32084)

For ages 18 and up.

Will run

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