Watercolor Landscape Painting on Wednesdays in April at River House
with David Ouellette
This Watercolor class is designed to expose you to the unique characteristics and techniques of the medium using various scenes and compositional layout. We will be studying atmospheric perspective and depth of field that makes landscape watercolor painting so effective. There will be regular critiques and discussions to improve your understanding and skill development.
Mr. Ouellette received his Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Arts in Painting from Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. He taught at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, and showed in many galleries and museums including the Detroit Institute of Art. He moved to St. Augustine in 1981 where he continued his career as an artist and professor of Fine Art at the Florida School of the Arts in his twenty-six year tenure. He was also a professor of Fine Arts, Painting and Design and Art History at SJRCC St. Augustine campus. He is currently teaching Art History and Studio classes at Flagler College Continuing Education.
Watercolor Materials and Supplies
- sable (preferred), ox hair (if you can find it or sable blends or sable synthetics
- 1” flat
- 1/2” flat
- #6 and #8 round
- rigger brush
- Two sheets of Arches 22”x30”, 140 lb. cold press, or a 9” x 12” block
Box sets of tube watercolors which should include most of these:
- ultramarine blue
- cerulean blue
- cobalt blue
- thalo blue
- alizarin crimson
- cadmium red light
- cadmium yellow light
- new gamboge
- burnt umber
- burnt sienna
Other materials:
- covered palette, plastic
- painting board approx. 16” x 20”
- masking tape
- materials box
- non-breakable container for water
- roll of paper towels
Class sessions will be held on Wednesdays, April 2, 9, 16, 23 from 9:00 - 11:00 at River House (179 Marine St. St. Augustine 32084)
No class session on April 30.
For ages 18 and up.
Apr 2 - 23rd, 2025
Wed for 4 weeks from 9:00 - 11:00 amWill run